Senin, 25 Mei 2015

Pencanangan Pekan Kesehatan Ibu dan Anak Kec. Ile Mandiri Berjalan Lancar

Riangkemie, ND
Dalam rangka menyadarkan masyarakat tentang pentingnya menjaga kesehatan ibu dan anak, maka Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Flores Timur mencanangkan Pekan Kesehatan Ibu dan Anak (PKIA). Tahun ini PKIA dilaksanakan pada tanggal 25 Mei 2015 di setiap kecamatan secara serempak.

Pelaksanaan PKIA Kec. Ile Mandiri berpusat di Desa Riangkemie. Acara dimulai dengan pelepasan rombongan pawai PKIA oleh Pak Camat Ile Mandiri yang bergerak dari Desa Watotutu dan berakhir di Desa Riangkemie. Acara pencanangan PKIA dihadiri Camat, Kapospol, Babinsa, Pastor Paroki Riangkemie, Imam Masjid Delang, Pejabat Dinas Kesehatan, Kepala Puskesmas Waimana, Para Kader Posyandu dan Ibu-ibu hamil.

Dalam pesannya kepada para ibu hamil, Kepala Puskesmas Waimana menegaskan pentingnya 2H2 Center yang berarti bahwa setiap kelahiran baru harus dilaksanakan pada fasilitas kesehatan yang ada. Bukan zamannya lagi melahirkan di rumah. Kepala Puskesmas mengakui bahwa pihaknya kesulitan untuk mengidentifikasi ibu-ibu hamil dengan usia kandungan di bawah tiga bulan. Masyarakat terkesan menyembunyikan kehamilannya mungkin karena kepercayaan adat atau karena kehamilan yang tidak diinginkan.

Pada kesempatan tersebut juga, Pastor Paroki Riangkemie, Rm. John Lein, Pr, mengapresiasi kemitraan yang terjalin antara Gereja dan Pemerintah dalam upaya mensosialisasikan pentingnya menjaga kesehatan ibu dan anak. Gereja perlu mengenal umatnya yang sedang hamil untuk diberikan perhatian secara khusus.

Sabtu, 02 Mei 2015

The Head is Sick, Lewoloba's Officials are Awaiting Orders

It has been more than three months; the Head of the Village of Lewoloba, Sir Frans Roy Hurint doesn’t be in his office. It all started after a tourist visit to Lewoloba last February. He had a terrible sickness which caused him unable to work effectively. This situation affected some important agenda such as the arrangement of the Village Budgeting and Revenue (APB Desa), the appointment and inauguration of four new village officials and Annual Accountability Report of The Head of the Village of Lewoloba. Among these agenda, Annual Accountability Report is the most important matter.

Under Article 28 Paragraph 1 and 2 Law Number 6 / 2014 Concerning the Village, the Head of the Village who did not make Annual Accountability Report will be subject to an Oral Reprimand, Written Reprimand, Suspension and Dismissal. Considering the Head of the village is sick, and then the task can be prepared by village officials. But until now the task has not been done yet. When the Camat of Ile Mandiri visited Lewoloba to facilitate the inauguration ceremony of the village officials, one of the village officials said that they had not got any command from the Head of the village. In some matters, they had not got the command as well. The village parliaments (BPD) will soon issue a warning letter to the head of the village to pay more attention to this matter.

Lewolobanese people wish their Head’s health to be recovered so the government affairs can be underwent well. During the absence of the Head of the village, vilage officials should have initiatives to manage some important unfinished tasks.